Electronic Waste
Safimet recovers precious components from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
In fact, from equipment such as PCs, laptops, printers, and telecommunication devices, it is possible to recover components (processors, electronic boards, RAM, connectors) and the precious metals used for their construction (gold, silver, palladium, and copper).
Safimet adopts a specific recovery process that includes thermal treatment, grinding, sieving, and sampling of electronic waste.
Residues obtained at the end of the process are chemically treated to extract the precious metals. Pure metals are then refined and reintroduced in the production chain as part of a circular economy process.
The company operates in Europe, the United States, Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia. Dedicated personnel provide commercial support and assistance during all sale and post-sale stages.
The recovery of materials is essential to the life of our Planet. The treatment and refining processes ensure:
- lower consumption of energy
- lower consumption of raw materials
- lower environmental impact
Contact us
Latin America (LATAM)
Roberto Antichetti
Phone +55 11981492280